brush with death

美 [brʌʃ wɪð deθ]英 [brʌʃ wɪð deθ]
  • 险些丧命
brush with deathbrush with death
  1. But war was to bring Louis his first brush with death .


  2. A near miss brush with death had left her shaken .


  3. It 's been my experience that when someone has a brush with death like you experienced today ,


  4. B : He had a close brush with death . Fortunately , he was released several years later .


  5. Jim had a brush with death on the motorway .


  6. Jimmy recalled , his large gray eyes misting over as he detailed the events of his brush with death .


  7. Narathiga told BuzzFeed News he hoped his slight brush with death would raise awareness about scrawled filefish .


  8. In December 1931 , Churchill was on a late-night visit to his friend Bernard Baruch ( pictured with Churchill ) in New York when he had a brush with death .


  9. De Jonge told the Netherlands station RTV Oost that despite his second brush with death , he plans to take another Malaysia Airlines plane this week and has no concerns for his safety .
